conserving a proven system.
The computer measured glasses - also known as the "Eyemetrics-Glasses"
From January 1st 2013 on the SuitS4Eyes GmbH i.L. executes the distribution and service for the computer measured "Eyemetrics-Glasses".
Wheter a new pair of glasses or the repair of an existing pair of computer measured glasses - the SuitS4Eyes GmbH i.L. offers you everything out of one hand.
form and function complied.
In the field of computer measured glasses not only design is deciding. For transfering the determined measuring data in an accurate way to the geometry of the glasses specific requirements are needed. These requirements are regarded already while construction.
creating something new.
Innovative designs in eyewear fashion demand at every time for new shapes.
The SuitS4Eyes GmbH i.L. tackles this task and develops new creations for their business partners. New projects are implemented determined and promtly, in close collaboration with our business partners.